Our Leadership

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MCH Senior Leadership

Gretchen Cook

Gretchen Cook

Chief Executive Officer

gcook@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

Ken Bankhead

Ken Bankhead

Director of Campus Life and Independent Living Programs

kbankhead@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000


Mariah Pitre

Development Director

mpitre@mchms.org  |  601-853-5000 

Latoya C Horne

Latoya Clark-Horne

Chief Operating Officer

lclark-horne@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

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Dr. Lamar Boone

Clinical Director

lboone@mchms.org  |  601-853-5000 


Vicki Smith

Compliance Officer

vsmith@mchms.org  |  601-853-5000 

Chris Bratcher

Chris Bratcher

Chief Human Resource Officer

cbratcher@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

Chave Johnson

Chave Johnson

Residential Director

cjohnson@mchms.org  |  601-853-5000 

Scott Smith

Scott Smith

Chief Finance Officer

ssmith@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

Porsha Kelly

Porsha Kelly

Foster Care Director

pkelly@mchms.org  |  601-853-5000 

MCH Leadership


LaKiesha Thomas

Human Resource Generalist

l.thomas@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

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Jordan Faison

Communications Coordinator

jfaison@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

Erin Jones

Erin Jones

Program Manager

Permanency Assessment Center

ejones@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

Rigel Robinson

Pastor Rigel Robinson

Campus Pastor

rrobinson@mchms.org  |  601.853.5000

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