Ways To Give

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“You must each decide in your heart how much to give. And don’t give reluctantly or in response to pressure. ‘For God loves a person who gives cheerfully.'” — 2 Corinthians 9:7, NLT

Methodist Children’s Homes relies on your donations, service and prayers in order to continue our good work. Here are just some of the ways that you can share your generosity to help traumatized children recover and heal.

Heal with your resources

Donate monetary gifts, assets or items from our Wish List.

Meet Immediate Needs

Donate Now through a secure online merchant account for one-time giving, scheduled giving, or in memory or honor of a loved one to help meet the daily needs of our children.

Dedicate Regular Gifts

Join the Circle of Protection, our monthly giving program that provides regular provision and security.

Fulfill a Dream

Find items to donate from our Wish List, which includes items needed to serve all of our children, as well as individual birthday and Christmas gifts.

Children’s Promise Act

Learn more about “The Children’s Promise Act” which provides a dollar for dollar TAX CREDIT to individuals and companies who give to a qualified charity. Donate now to receive your tax credits!

Special Events

Join us and help support our ministry! 

Little Light of Mine

Our special yearly offering is more than just making a donation, it helps us support the daily operations of MCH.


 A MCH fundraiser is the perfect event to hold with your church, office or community group.